Foot Care Clinic
Beverly Sinclair is a registered nurse who provides monthly foot care clinics at Putney Community Cares on the last Thursday of every month. The Foot Care Clinic will run from morning to afternoon and pre-registration is required.
Beverly can care for feet of people with diabetes, but for those with issues beyond the scope of this Clinic, such as ingrown toe nails, infections, foot ulcers, etc. She can provide a free assessment and refer you to a podiatrist for care if necessary. Each Foot Care Session consists of:
Knee to toe assessments of skin, circulation, and feet
Anti-bacterial foot soak
Toenails trimmed and filed smooth and calluses reduced
Exfoliating foot scrub and therapeutic foot massage
Teaching appropriate foot care techniques to meet your individual needs
The full cost for each session is on a sliding scale based on individual's ability to pay, between $25-$40. Payment at each session by cash or check, payable to Beverly Sinclair. Pre-registration is required.
The Foot Care Clinics at Putney Community Cares will take place on the last Thursday of each month (unless adjusted for holiday schedule) and you are required to registered in advance. To register, contact Beverly Sinclair. Email: -- or call (802) 449-7385.