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Housing & Moving

For information on housing throughout Vermont, visit the Vermont State Housing Authority website at


Affordable Housing in Putney

For more information on affordable housing units in Putney, contact Windham & Windsor Housing Trust:


Southeastern Vermont Community Action (SEVCA)
SEVCA is a private non-profit organization fostering sustainable self-sufficiency, strengthening communities and eliminating the root causes of poverty. SEVCA provides budget counseling, crisis intervention, early education and head start programs, employment preparation programs, fuel assistance, housing assistance, information and referral, micro business development, nutrition education, parenting education, thrift stores and weatherization and energy conservation services.

91 Buck Drive
Westminster, VT 051589
802-722-4575; or 800-464-9951


Vermont Center for Independent Living (VCIL)

VCIL works to promote the dignity, independence and civil rights of Vermonters with disabilities. 

28 Vernon St. Suite 40
Brattleboro, VT 05301


Green Mountain Home Repair

The Green Mountain Home Repair (GMHR) program helps homeowners address critical health and safety issues as well increase the energy efficiency of their homes. Through low cost loans, flexible terms and support with identifying a contractor and project oversight, Green Mountain Home Repair may be just the help you need.


This program also assists landlords with necessary repairs in 2-4 unit rental buildings. For a limited time, GMHR is offering a $2,500 grant to qualified applicants to help offset the cost of the loan. The program covers the following:

  • Health and safety issues such as roof, plumbing, electric, and heating repairs.

  • Failing mechanical systems such as well and septic repair or replacement.

  • Structural problems.

  • Interior and exterior modifications for elderly or disabled homeowners.

  • Energy efficiency improvements.

Green Mountain Home Repair staff will help you:

  • Fill out your application

  • Determine the scope of work

  • Obtain bids from contractors

  • Monitor the construction process

To get started, contact Program Coordinator Jeremy Paquette, 802-246-2116,, Windham & Windsor Housing Trust NMLS# 187229



Accessible Dwelling Unit Funding Program

Thinking of Adding an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) To Your Home? The Vermont Housing Improvement Program (VHIP) ADU Program Overview:

  • VHIP offers grants of up to $50,000 to Homeowners wishing to add an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) to their home, or to rehabilitate an existing ADU. 

Got questions about the program? Problems with the application? Contact Paul Martorano, 802-689-0426.



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© 2018 Putney Cares, Inc. 

Putney Community Cares, Inc. | 54 Kimball Hill | Putney, VT | 05346

Putney Community Cares does not sell, trade or

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